One of the world’s largest cheap watches and replica watches markets is Guangzhou Watch Market. This impressive wholesale center is located in the ZhanXi Lu, Yuexiu District in Guangzhou City and it is a very impressive collection of suppliers that sell all types of watches, watch accessories and watch repair services. Of course, you can’t have a watch market in China without knockoffs and from this point of view; Guangzhou Watch Market is like heaven on earth. This unlimited source of fake timepieces has some of the most popular and recently launched luxury designer imitations at surprisingly low prices.
Guangzhou Watch Market includes 9 large installments that were built and opened gradually as the center got bigger and more popular among resellers and end customers. The area occupied by the market is filled with small and large stands where thousands of sellers display their products daily hoping that they will attract the attention and money of those who are looking for a “too good to be true” deal.
In the Guangzhou watch market there are over 3000 companies that are offering their watches, accessories and services at wholesale prices. These are either large manufacturers or small shops, famous factories or no name firms, gathered from all parts of China with one thing in common- a rich and diversified offer of timepieces at low cost. Some of them have online websites where you can view the catalog and order while others are offering to ship the replica watches internationally. These sellers are incredibly versatile and their skills go further than just producing their products. They are also experts at displaying, presenting and negotiating the merchandise. You simply cannot enter this fake timepieces market without buying a few of your favorite Rolex, Cartier, Tag Heuer, Omega or Patek Philipe knockoffs.
Your first visit here might seem overwhelming, but it also fascinates you. The entire center is a colorful gathering of all kinds of wristwatches and merchants interested in selling their goods rapidly even if it means accepting a considerably lower price than the one listed on the shelves. The market is organized in 5 galleries and these are- the ZhanXi KowLoon Watch Center, the Southern Watch Trade Centre, the Southern Trade Center of Horologe, the New KowLoon Watch Center and the SanYi Watch city.
Most of the expensive luxury brands imitation watches cost about 200 yuan. This means less than $35. These are usually the replica watches that we see on online stores priced at $100-$250. These types of websites buy their products from the same place, from the notorious Guangzhou market- just that they prefer to adopt a heftier pricing strategy even though the quality is the same.
Replica watches markets such as the one in Guangzhou is the main reason why the fake timepieces business is flourishing by the day. With such a large source of designer knockoffs it’s no wonder that the Internet is flooded with websites that invite watches aficionados to get an affordable version of their favorite luxury timepiece.